COMTSS Certified

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This spring, our principal education support is now COMTSS certified within the State of Colorado. COMTSS (Colorado Multi-Tiered System of Supports) consists of five essential components within education support: Team-Driven Shared Leadership; Data-Based Problem Solving; Decision-Making, Family, School, and Community Partnerships; Comprehensive Screening and Assessment System; Layered Continuum of Supports.

“COMTSS is a framework applied at all educational levels that uses implementation science to create one integrated system. This system is designed to support the needs of all students.“ - Learn More

During the 2022 - 2023 school year, Tscion Academia plans to donate time to work with academic stakeholders to develop an Environmental Education and Environmental Community Outreach focus on assisting with the growing environmental preparedness and learning needs of the Teller County, El Paso, and Park County areas.  

COMTSS certification is a School, Regional, or District Level training with the Colorado Department of Education


Palo Alto to Greater Los Angeles


In-Development, Cont’ Education, Teacher Program